Tuesday, July 26, 2011

When We are Given the Tools

The past 3 years has been a tremendous challenge with my youngest child. She is 16 and I will have a birthday in December. Going through all of this with her has kept me from writing. I have never been one to air my dirty laundry to the public and this has been the fore front of my life. She has been in a residential home for the last six months. It is a long story and someday, maybe I will back track on it.
One thing I have learned through this is experience is, it is so painful for the people who love you, to be able to give you all the tools to help yourself and they not be accepted. I do believe we have choices in our life and I know when we are depressed we want to stay in that place. But all of us that have been through those times and have had the strength and will power to pull ourselves out of that dark hole, knows it can be done.
I am seeing that some are more comfortable with the drama of being depressed. That it is more comfortable being the victim. I grew up in a family of female fighters, survivors. It is so hard for me to be able to wrap my head around, choosing victim.
I know some people would debate this with me and tell me that people can't help depression etc. I don't buy it. I believe we have choices, I believe we have the Divine Goddess within us and we need to let her light shine. I believe that some times we need to be in the depths of hell to learn, discover and grow. I do not believe it is intended for us to stay in that place. Life is short and it is a gift.

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