Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's Never Too Late

No matter what is cycling through your head at this very moment, it’s never too late to set goals, to change your life. (Really, it’s not.) Often the hardest part to getting started is overcoming that overwhelmed feeling – the one that occupies your mind when you contemplate all that you have to do at once.

You think about how long it will take; what sacrifices you have to make. You become bewildered by the endless details and fall back to the comfortable feeling of saying you’ll start next Monday or at the beginning of next month.

Today is the day you put that kind of thinking behind you. Today, focus on taking the first step toward your most cherished goal. Take care of the first detail right now, whatever it may be. Start exercising, dieting or looking for a new job. You know what you need to do.

It’s not too late to get started.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Blog went poof

I had my little blog all written out in Microsoft word a couple of days ago and I went to paste a quote I wanted to share MW gave me an error and everything went poof. I have been having this problem with word since I have gotten this computer. It seems the only way to get the new word processing program is to pay for it. I went looking for something else to use. I went to and I found openoffice. It is just like MW and will open all of microsofts documents. The best part of the program is it is FREE! It sold me...LOL
My quote was:
"When you arrive at your future, will you blame your past?"
-- Robert Half
My FMS tip was:
Keep a pad and pen next to ref. so you can write down things you are out of and need to get from the grocery store.
However all of this didn't flow like I had planned it before.... what da world?? LOL
Hope everyone's weekend is awesome

Friday, January 21, 2011

Seek the inner cause of problems

"When you arrive at your future, will you blame your past?"
-- Robert Half

What holds you back from being and doing more? In your journal, list what you believe is holding you back.
Have you blamed people or factors outside of yourself? It's important to understand that ALL problems are rooted inside us. Even the blocks that appear to be outside of us are only reflecting back an issue we have inside that we have not yet owned. Once we address our inner issue, the outer situation no longer troubles us.
The buck always stops with us. We step into our power when we accept responsibility for our lives.
"The most self-destructive thought that any person can have is thinking that he or she is not in total control of his or her life. That's when, ‘Why me?’ becomes a theme song."
-- Roger Dawson
"...look at that word blame. It's just a coincidence that the last two letters spell the word me. But that coincidence is worth thinking about. Other people or unfortunate circumstances may have caused you to feel pain, but only you control whether you allow that pain to go on. If you want those feelings to go away, you have to say: ‘It's up to me.’"
-- Arthur Freeman
"Don't make excuses -- make good."
-- Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, January 16, 2011

FMS and keeping organized

One of the worse things to deal with, with FMS is fibro fog. Fibro fog is when your short term memory comes and goes. You can be in the middle of a sentence and forget what you were saying. Or try to recall someones name and your mind just goes blank.
Here is a nifty little calendar where you can put all the dates you need to remember and your to do list. It can be color coded to each member of your family and the calendar gets sent out to each member of the family on Sundays.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Fibromyalgia stinks

When I thought I wanted to start a blog I didn't want it to be about fibromyalgia. I had in mind it would be a place I would share spiritual information. However FMS is what is in the forefront of my life. It has been for the past 2 1/2 years. All of it has been an uphill battle. I have been on so many medications. Some that help a little and some that made me straight up ill. I have to deal with the depression of not being able to get up and do and go as I had always done. Before FMS hit in full force, I was an active person. I walked everyday at least a mile with my dogs. I hiked the parks in my area and have hiked up to 6 miles. I climbed to the top of a mountain. All of this seems so far behind. Yesterday I walked 15 mins. on the tread mill and went outside to play ball with my puppy. Today I can get off the couch because I am in so much pain. I am scared that it's not just a flare up. The Dr. put me on tramadol and I have been doing well on it. When I start to hurting like this I fear it won't stop and I won't be able to do anything. I guess I will keep my fingers cross and say a little healing prayer to the mother Goddess.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Life is what you make it

Succeed at Anything You Choose
by Jane Powell

No one is responsible for your happiness, sadness or success. No one but you. Yes, you!
The day you take complete responsibility for yourself and your choices is the day you start a journey toward grand personal fulfillment.

You’re the only one that lives your life. Believe it or not, you do have the power to succeed at anything you choose. The strength to fulfill your dreams is within you, at this very moment. Accepting responsibility without excuses, frees your power to achieve.

You can do it. So, do it today!