Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Morning Musing

It has been a busy, busy week. All of it good and I have actually been able to hold up. Home school went so well this week. I still feel that I am not doing enough.From what I read alot of home schooling parents feel that way. Krissy and I went on a field trip Friday to the They had some cool stuff. It wasn't Krissy's kind of thing. She and I both enjoy places with animals. We love the Virgini Living Museum. We have been there several times and never get tired of it. At the Mainer's Museum my favorite thing would have to be the titanic display. We attended the class on hurricanes. Hurricanes is something we have been learning about in our science class. Over all it was a good day!! Yesterday we went up to see my brother. I don't really talk about him alot because people can be so judgmental. He is in prison and has been since he was 16 yo. I know most people feel they get what they deserve in prison, but I don't think I agree. Animals in animal shelters are treated better than people in prison. There still has to be some level of humanity for these people. They deal with the summer heat with no air condition and no air flow what so ever, the medical care..... the laws for animals are far more strict. They are feed grade D meat. Meat that the government does not allow us to eat. If there is a natural disaster of some sorts and the prison has to be evacuated...the guards are to kill all prisoners on the spot. I do so understand that there are some really bad people in there, but there are some not so bad ones to. All the above is straight up messed up!!! I will come down off my soap box for now.... just for now!

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